Both the Mexican drs required you get your own lab work and that you stay in a recovery center or hire a private nurse to stay in a bhotel/b with you in baja california. I just didn't want to do that, however, I will probably get my boobs done there ... Being in the medical field, I had several quotes, and he had me give him the lowest one, and beat it by like $3000! Here's his numbers, for those anticipating plastics in the near future: Dr. William bUmanskiy/b 1-858-550-9697 ...
Ucraina a cerut miercuri Rusiei un imprumut de 5 miliarde de dolari pentru a-si plati datoriile la livrarile de gaze, a anuntat ministrul ucrainean de Finante, Ihor Umanskiy. "Acest imprumut va fi folosit pentru a cumpara gaz", b.../b